FORD'S final AU Falcon, the Series III, is the best looking, best value example of the model yet seen. Looking for the differences between Forte and Futura, however, does not really need to go much deeper than obvious features such as alloy wheels and a boot spoiler. But the Futura still has a little more street credibility than the Forte - even if it is only because it is seen as a social step upwards. The family orientated, not quite entry level Falcon gets dual airbags, anti-lock brakes and a slightly more plush, velour interior with power windows all round, as well as cruise control and lumbar adjustment for the front passenger as well as the driver. It would be nice if it got Ford's independent rear suspension as well.

Ford EL Falcon Futura
Released: September 1996
Ended: September 1998
Family Tree: FalconAppearing in November 2001, the AU Series III update was preceded in April 2000 by the AUII, which itself was an update of the original AU Falcon, circa September 1998. The AU model's immediate predecessor was EL Falcon (pictured), which first appeared in September 1996 and whose lineage can be traced back to the all-new EA Falcon of 1988.
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