THE Commodore S may be the poor relation in the lineage of sporting Holdens, but the Series II VX model gets closer to serious with the adoption of traction control as standard equipment. It also benefits greatly from the FE2 sports suspension version of the new Control-Link IRS rear end. And, in optional supercharged V6 form, it delivers very strong performance even though it is only available as an auto with this engine. The fact it also looks very much like an SS makes it a good choice for those not wishing to splash SS-style money.

Holden Commodore S
Released: April 1995
Ended: August 1997
Family Tree: CommodoreTHE Commodore S nameplate has been around since the VN model in 1988, but the supercharged version of Holden's 3.8-litre V6 only appeared in S Commodores from the VT series in 1997. Prior to that, the Commodore S was powered by a naturally aspirated V6 producing 147kW, and was last sold in VSII guise. Interestingly, the supercharged six first appeared in lightweight VS Calais models from September 1996, making the blown VSII Calais (pictured) somewhat of a street sleeper today.
Get the full story: Holden offered a supercharged version of the VX Commodore Executive, called the S
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